The Milwaukee Athletic Club Blog

Meet the MAC Board of Directors

Written by The MAC | Jul 17, 2024 4:15:00 PM

Meet the Milwaukee Athletic Club (MAC) Board of Directors. Dedicated Members, who are helping steer the MAC towards its continued success and excellence. Each member of our board brings a unique blend of expertise, dedication, and vision to our Club, playing a crucial role in shaping our strategic direction.




Erickajoy Daniels
Board President

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club? Reflecting on my time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, I greatly enjoy the diverse programming and the strong sense of community that permeates our Club. Whether it’s dropping in to join my son in the golf suites on a day with his friends for his Swing2Win program, or getting on the calendar for a morning pontoon ride, these re-energize me and  re-energize relationships. They offer not only leisure but also unique opportunities for connecting with fellow Members in environments that promote camaraderie and growth.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure? Actually as I was on a morning pontoon cruise with friends discussing ways we can get engaged in some of the key connecting hubs in our city, I was sharing how I wanted to deepen my connections as a member of the MAC. That sparked an introduction to then President Dave Mesick and a breakfast chat about his vision for continued growth and culture transformation for the Club led to continued mentor chats, an invitation and graciously accepted and a journey to learn and lead in a new era for the MAC. I have been honored to see the growth in number, background, and interest in many circles in our community. Hearing about other ‘pontoon ride like chats’ amongst friends who want to find new ways to connect and grow while growing our city, is a hope I am looking forward to continuing to experience. My tenure is dedicated to fostering equity and inclusivity in all that we offer, ensuring that every Member feels valued and has access to the same high-quality experiences. I am committed to leading the Club through transformative initiatives that honor our traditions while boldly moving forward into the future.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club? Connections and conversations are the heart of the MAC. One rooftop night, I walked over to grab some of the feature presentation, Chef’s notable paella, and around the oversized searing pan, were some leaders that I had not met yet. Just as the first few bites were amazing, so were the f irst exchanges of conversation, particularly one introduction to Michael Wabiszewski. And what started as a get to know, led to an invite to get to know him, his wife, his insights on the Club’s historic past and bright future. While the recent renovations have beautifully maintained the Club’s historic charm while modernizing our facilities, filling me with immense pride, it’s the charm of the people that make the MAC rich. These shared journeys continue to deepen my affection and commitment to our vibrant community.


Laura Rizzo
Board Vice President

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
There are so many areas of the Club in which I enjoy but my favorite two are the Rooftop and Elephant room. What I enjoy most of the Club are the people. I made some of my greatest friends while enjoying a drink or meal at the Club.  Now if you were to ask my three children what they love most about the Club, it would be the Kids Club!
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?
I first became involved in the Club’s governance through the Women’s Committee. During those late Wednesday night meetings, my passion to see the MAC thrive really grew. When the opportunity arose to run for the Board of Directors, I was all in. I joined the Board of Directors, seven years ago, and have had the privilege to represent our membership through the transformation to what we are today. Through this time, my focus as a Board member has shifted as well. Today, I am excited to be part of a truly unique collaboration that allows a tremendous group of individuals to gather together, support one another as fellow Members, and to create the place to be in SE Wisconsin.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
I can’t just pick one. The Club is where my family and I have celebrated many milestones for more than a decade. My husband brought me to the Club on our first date, where we sat in “MAC’s” and watched a Marquette game. The amazing women of the Club hosted a sprinkle in celebration of our second child. Most recently, my husband brought together many of our family members and friends in the Elephant room to celebrate my 40th birthday!

Paul Benson
MAC Board Treasurer

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
I primarily use the Club for business meetings/meals and social activities. My favorite amenity is probably the Elephant Room (I spend more time there than I probably should ) and my favorite activities are Cigar Club, Boxing Night, Wine Dinners, and the MAC Pontoon.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?
I was invited to join the Board because of my background as an attorney, and because I have a passion for the Club. I have always felt it is my home away from home, with really good people. My hope is that my tenure on the Board will help the Club meet its membership goals. Once we do that, everything else falls into place.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
Some of my best memories at the Club involved bringing multiple packs of middle-school boys to swim, shoot hoops, and have dinner for my two son’s birthday parties. The Club staff were always awesome to me and all the kids. In particular, the fitness trainers who were working on those days always stuck around after they finished with their clients and helped me referee basketball games and lifeguard at the pool. They did this on their own time, just to be nice to me and my family.


Johanna Roslawski
MAC Board Secretary

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
Outdoor rooftop, shuttle to and from games, hanging out in the Golf Suites with our kids, any MAC Women event and  love a good MAC outing to Brewers, Packer and Badger games. My kids LOVE the MAC and look forward to any visit we make there.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure? Having hosted and planned a good amount of events at the MAC, I wanted to serve as a partner to the MAC team that work so hard to make each experience count. We joined because of my husband in 2009 – I was a “spouse” and never used it with the exception of one event a year. That was UNTIL I met Brad who connected me to a great group of women who I am fortunate to call friends. That dominoed to mentors, more friendships and even better memories. So, I wanted to help keep that spirit alive -  foster opportunities and experiences that we value as a family and I, a professional working downtown and keep the MAC that downtown “hub” for us.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
So many great ones from weddings to one of our daughter’s baptism parties. A recent one was post a Bucks game, my husband, Brian, and three kids (9, 7 and 5) reserved a MAC golf suite. We had putting contests and fun with the simulator while a revolving door of friends kept popping in or we saw while getting drinks in the Elephant Room.


Hans Kirkegaard
MAC Board House Committee Chair

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
Ellen & I have enjoyed all that the Club has to offer. Favorite (frequent use of) amenities has varied over the years. Currently enjoy Sunday morning pickleball, workout classes, 2nd Floor Lounge for “office away from the office” and food & beverage (meeting friends for a beverage or meal on the roof or in the Elephant Room). 
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?
Post renovation, the MAC has an incredible opportunity. I hope to be able to help guide the Club achieve its membership growth objectives thereby returning the Club to the center of the business community and downtown Milwaukee.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
Too many memorable experiences to highlight just one. I do look at my close friends... a large majority of them are MAC Members.


Lauren Falk
MAC Board Athletic Committee Chair

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
You can usually find me enjoying the company of old friends—and making new ones—in the Elephant Room. It’s a great place to relax and socialize. I also love grabbing lunch in the coworking space; the salad bar is fantastic! However, my favorite activity is making the most of our excellent athletic facilities and then unwinding in the steam room. The blend of social and fitness opportunities at the Club truly enhances my experience.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?
I was deeply honored to be considered for a Board seat in 2021, and again this year, because I believe in the mission and values of the Milwaukee Athletic Club. When I first joined the Board, my primary motivation was to be an active and effective voice for our diverse membership, ensuring that their needs and perspectives are represented and addressed. Additionally, I have a strong commitment to increasing female representation and bringing fresh insights into the Club. During my tenure, I hope to continue fostering a more inclusive environment, enhance Member engagement, and contribute to the Club’s ongoing growth and success.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
There are so many memorable experiences at the Club, it’s hard to share just one. My husband and I have enjoyed numerous extracurricular events organized by Brad, such as Packer games, Arlington horse races, and Brewers/Cubs games in Chicago. The shuttles are always a blast, providing a fun and different way to connect with friends outside the four walls of the Club. One particularly special memory is our wedding shower, which we hosted on the Club’s rooftop. It was a gorgeous day, surrounded by all our family and friends, fantastic food and drink service, and unbeatable views. Moments like these highlight the strong sense of community and the wonderful experiences that make being a part of the MAC fun.


John Kissinger

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
I like to workout at the Club, mostly on cardio equipment like elliptical. Love to catch a steam and have some refreshments in lounge in Men’s Locker room. I often have business lunches and meetings at the MAC.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?
The Club was in really bad shape physically and financially when I joined the Board 8-9 years ago. I wanted to use my experience in business and with the Club to help find a way to make it sustainable, I am glad that we are now on the other side of a deep valley, and I want to leave the Board with the Club as a sustainable business.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
So many good times with the old EMHAC group in the morning in Men’s Locker room, morning sunshine walks with my late friend Harry Drake, EMHAC breakfasts which we still have. I met many great people through the Club and continue to do so.


Nick Walls

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?  
My family spends a lot of time using the athletic facilities, be it golf or working out, we are a really active family that way.  Personally, I use the Club Lounge quite a bit for business, doing virtual meetings or just getting some work done.
What motivated you to join the Board, and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure?  
I generally want to have an impact and help shape organizations that I am deeply involved with. I hope to be a good steward for the membership over my tenure and leave the MAC in a stronger position than when I began my tenure.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?  
There was one morning where I took all three of my boys to the gym.  I worked out while they played soccer in the gym. We all went and had breakfast on 12 after that. It was a beautiful morning up there with all of the light it gets.  It epitomizes what I care about most, which is my family. The MAC gives us a place were we can enjoy those fleeting moments. Before I know it they will be gone!


Leo Osma

How do you typically enjoy your time at the Milwaukee Athletic Club?
I’m definitely a “frequent flyer” at the MAC. As a business owner who works from home, I utilize the MAC lounge/coworking space weekly. My wife and I utilize the amazing workout facility, dining on the rooftop with friends and events like Rooftop Rhythms.
What motivated you to join the Board and what do you hope to achieve during your tenure? During the pandemic, the business lounge I frequented abruptly closed its doors. Left without a professional hub, I embarked on a search for an alternative. That’s when my father-in-law, Dan Burkwald, a seasoned Member of the MAC, suggested exploring membership. The Milwaukee Athletic Club (MAC) quickly proved to be more than just a solution—it became a seamless fit for both my wife and me. My aspirations extend beyond personal convenience. As a new Board Member, I envision contributing to the MAC’s vibrant community and elevating its status as the go-to destination in Milwaukee. Drawing from my background in Private Aviation and Luxury Logistics, I aim to inject fresh perspectives into the Club’s ongoing evolution.
Can you share a memorable experience or moment at the Club?
I recently became a citizen of the United States and Matthew Holbrook (a friend I met through the MAC) brought MAC friends together to celebrate the milestone along with MAC staff. Friendships like this are formed at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. My wife and I feel very fortunate to be apart of this community that brings together some really special people.