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Milwaukee Athletic Club rooftop

Make the Most of the MAC Rooftop

The rooftop restaurant and terrace is undoubtedly one of the most popular spaces at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, and for good reason.

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Jenna and her husband thriving at the MAC

From Surviving to Thriving at the Milwaukee Athletic Club

Likely, at a few different points in your life, you’ll consider yourself in “survival mode.” From my experience, it’s about as unpleasant a place to...

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Aimee Murphy

The Woman Behind the MAC's Food and Drink: Aimee Murphy

Aimee and I covered a lot of very interesting topics during our rambling 30-minute interview–from wellness to ethnic roots–but the most important...

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Erickajoy Daniels

Meet Our Board President & Trailblazer: Erickajoy Daniels

Name: Erickajoy Daniels, aka, E.J.

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Katie Poehling Seymour

Meet MAC Member Katie Poehling Seymour

Member since: 2013

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Jenna at the beach

Untethering Productivity from Self-Worth

Rest isn’t a reward for productivity, rest is an active way to build resilience.

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Elliot Gamperl

Member Profile: Elliot Arthur Gamperl

Member Name: Elliot Arthur Gamperl

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Jeannee Sacken

Local Author Visits MAC Book Club

The MAC Book Club had a special guest for one of its late spring meetings. Shorewood resident, author, and photojournalist Jeannee Sacken joined the...

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Phillip Morris

Meet MAC Member Phillip Morris

Member since: 2021

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kristin brey

Meet MAC Member Kristin Brey

Member since: 2021 Occupation: Radio host, political pundit, video columnist Resides in: Riverwest. Grew up in Madison. Family: Married to Mike...

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